Current Product Line

MCI – Current Product Line

MCI-STD MCI-HD Liner and Lifting Tool USDA Seed Trays
\\server1\mci\CMC\Pictures\For Website\finals\Drum Liner-web.jpg \\server1\MCI\MCI - MFG Contractors\Bechtel Master File\Bechtel1\Z- Drw and Specs- Arch\MCI Drwgs\Drw4-5-11\Adrian\150mil Liner-Study 2\mci shd 150mil liner-study 2-stress-stress1.jpg \\server1\MCI\MCI - MFG Contractors\USDA Admin\Pics\From Stern\DSC07352 (2).JPG
Liner and Lid Computer Modeling to prove the concept Production Inspection
\\server1\MCI\CMC\Pictures\Original Pics\superpics 069.jpg \\server1\mci\MCI - MFG Contractors\Bechtel Master File\Bechtel1\Pictures\Testing\Liner and Tool OKC\Lift with counterweights 3.jpg
\\server1\MCI\MCI - MFG Contractors\Bechtel Master File\Bechtel1\Pictures\Lifting Tool\PRIVATE\Construction\B\24.jpg
P:\MCI - MFG Contractors\SBA Loans\MCI Name Plate.jpg
\\server1\MCI\MCI - MFG Contractors\2016 Business\MCI-1603 FDA-Trays\Old Info\SeedTrays12.jpg
Liner alongside drum Tested 5,000lbs MCI Spec Plate Packaging example
\\server1\MCI\CMC\Pictures\Original Pics\superpics 068.jpg \\server1\MCI\MCI - MFG Contractors\Bechtel Master File\Bechtel1\Pictures\Testing\liner lift 3.jpg \\server1\MCI\MCI - MFG Contractors\Bechtel Master File\Bechtel1\Pictures\Final Lift Test\IMG_7254.JPG \\server1\MCI\MCI - MFG Contractors\2016 Business\MCI-1603 FDA-Trays\Old Info\SeedTrays15.jpg
Liner installed Proven Strength Ready to ship Delivery Inspection

HD-Liner Testing Note:

Due to critical handling issues, DOE required that the lifting lip of the liner be tested at 2,000lb. Utilizing a liner filled with ball bearings and concrete and attached counterweights, the lifting tool and liner was suspended in the air for 10 days with a total weight of 5,000lbs successfully passing the testing requirements. Inspection at the conclusion of the test found no damage or distortion to the liner, the liner’s lifting lip or damage to the lifting tool.

MCI Production Equipment

MCI owns all its fabrication equipment, jigs and tools necessary for the production of its products and accessories, as shown in the examples below:

\\server1\mci\MCI - MFG Contractors\CJ - Notes\New Fixture Pictures\DSCN1589.JPG \\server1\mci\MCI - MFG Contractors\CJ - Notes\New Fixture Pictures\DSCN1590.JPG \\server1\mci\MCI - MFG Contractors\Bechtel Master File\Bechtel1\Pictures\Molds\IMG_7255.JPG

Fabrication Tools:
\\server1\mci\MCI - MFG Contractors\CJ - Notes\New Fixture Pictures\DSCN1593.JPG \\server1\mci\MCI - MFG Contractors\CJ - Notes\New Fixture Pictures\DSCN1599.JPG \\server1\mci\MCI - MFG Contractors\CJ - Notes\New Fixture Pictures\DSCN1594.JPG
\\server1\mci\MCI - MFG Contractors\CJ - Notes\New Fixture Pictures\MVC-003S.JPG
\\server1\mci\MCI - MFG Contractors\Bechtel Master File\Bechtel1\Pictures\Lifting Tool\PRIVATE\Construction\6.jpg
\\server1\mci\MCI - MFG Contractors\Molds and Fixtures\Stern\MCI Cutting Fixture 2.jpg \\server1\mci\MCI - MFG Contractors\Molds and Fixtures\Stern\MCI Cutting Fixture 4.jpg
Quality Control Tools:
\\server1\mci\MCI - MFG Contractors\CJ - Notes\New Fixture Pictures\DSCN1591.JPG Every unit requires a certification inspection for each fabrication specification.
Special tooling was fabricated to accommodate the QC processes and requirements. \\server1\mci\MCI - MFG Contractors\RV Industries\2013 - Cutting Tools\Picture 426.jpg

A video of the HD-Liner field test and a final inspection: